Referring Patients
Thank you for entrusting your patient’s care with us. We will always endeavour to see your patients promptly at our clinic. If you have any urgent or semi-urgent requests, please call one of our direct lines:
General ENT & pediatrics:
Head & Neck/Snoring:
Nose, Sinus Rhinoplasty and Allergy:
Our specialists would be happy to discuss any urgent cases with you if required.
If you have patients with clear tertiary referral problems then we suggested having the patients seen at our Darlinghurst clinic as this is setup for such patients. Dr Timothy Matthews will review all ear, hearing and lateral skullbase tumor patients, and Dr. Julia Crawford will review any Head & Neck tumour/cancer patients or robotic surgery patients.
If you have any queries or simply want some advice then please call us on:
Richard Harvey +61293604811
Julia Crawford +61283199434
Sean Flanagan +61293805380
Cara Morris +61291012525
Marina Cavada +61291012530