Although we can breathe without out nasal airway, its an important part of warming and humidify air as we inspire. As air flows through the nose it cools our mucosa and becomes warmer. This cooling of the mucosa is associated with a sense of breathing. There are many diseases that result in a loss of cooling. At the most basic are conditions that obstruct airflow. These include septal deviations:

Septal Deviation (pre-surgery)

Septal Deviation (post-surgery)
Cysts and tumours can grow in the nose and also obstruct the airflow and make the nasal cavity warm.

Tumour (pre surgey)

Tumour (post surgery)
There are also conditions that cause reactivity or inflammation of the nose. This disease is termed rhinitis. Allergy is the most common form of rhinitis and allergic rhinitis or hayfever affects 20-30% of Australia’s population.

Rhinitis with turbinate hypertrophy (pre-surgery)

Rhinitis with turbinate hypertrophy (post-surgery)
In rhinitis conditions, although surgery may be applied to help create more space or room for air to flow through the nose, it is rarely used alone. Addressing the underlying allergy and other associated conditions that create nasal inflammation in rhinitis.